About The Project

“Everything is okay with friends!”

Tapping on the wildest imagination that children have, Hong Shin worked with Rizq and Qays to come up with a wacky story. It first started with the writing of a storyline by answering a series of questions and building the characters with LEGO bricks.

We have the cast and the story, and we wondered: How do we make them come alive? The idea of making an animation came up and it has eventually turned into the trio's first experience in making a stop motion short film using clay models.

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About Rizy & Qays

Twins Rizq and Qays have been best buddies since birth. Jolly Qays, who studies at Fuhua Primary School, loves soccer and playing games. Rizq, who has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, is a cheery Ironman fan and goes to the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore School. While Rizq is unable to speak, he verbalises sounds and communicates through gestures and assistive technology like the PODD book, a thick book of icons and pictures.

About Hong Shin

An award-winning author and illustrator of children’s picture books, Quek Hong Shin is known for his heritage series that depict children of various ethnic backgrounds living in post-independence Singapore. Constantly inspired by the people and places around him, Hong Shin hopes to weave more local narratives into his work, and to introduce SingLit to a wider global audience.

Hong Shin started as a “captain” with Superhero Me in 2016 and has since become a frequent collaborator. One of his proudest creations is Universe of Feelings that was inspired by his artist residency at Rainbow Centre. The picture book story was adapted into a multisensory theatre production that was staged in 2020.