About The Project

Creatures of Singapore

Git Yu has an impressive library of knowledge when it comes to local and regional wildlife so Kenneth has hoped to harness his interest and passion for these animals by bringing him on field trips to observe them in the wild. We pushed his ideas on the board by creating simple animation and how to use the app Procreate on the iPad.

This series of images tells a story about how Singapore possesses a high biodiversity of animals waiting to be admired and loved! Through animation, we brought these images into life so people could enjoy watching them move.

Watch the development video ➔


Fong Git Yu, 9, has been fascinated with animals since he could crawl and can chat endlessly about his latest discoveries. He graduated from Kindle Garden Singapore’s first inclusive preschool and studies at River Valley Primary School. Git Yu, who has autism, has a flair for illustration and science. In 2019, he illustrated a zine with artist Lee Wan Xiang called “Why do Hunters Hunt Animals when They Can Hunt for Gold?”, published by Superhero Me.

About Kenneth

Kenneth is a deaf wildlife illustrator. Despite having an immense love for wildlife since he was a child Kenneth’s first exposure to wildlife happened while he was studying Veterinary Technology at Temasek Poly and hasn’t looked back since. He went on to work as a jellyfish aquarist at SEA Aquarium before becoming a freelance illustrator for guidebooks, science publications and creating his own merchandise.

He hopes to elevate his abilities to work with big organisations to help spearhead conservation efforts through art and design. As an avid photographer, he continues to hone his skills and techniques to produce the best images for undescribed or rare animals. He is currently one of the only few natural science illustrators in Singapore.